Iceriver KS0 Ultra is Manufactured By Iceriver And it’s mining KHeavyHash algorithm which running maximum hashrate of 400Gh/s for a power consumption
Iceriver RX0 is manufactured by Iceriver which operates under the SHA512256d algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 260Gh/s and power consumption of 100W.
Model A10 ETHMaster (500Mh) from Innosilicon mining EtHash algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 500Mh/s for a power consumption of 750W. Specifications Manufacturer Innosilicon Model A10 ETHMaster (500Mh) Also
Model A10 Pro ETH Miner (500Mh) from Innosilicon mining EtHash algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 500Mh/s for a power consumption of 750W. Specifications Manufacturer Innosilicon Model A10 Pro
Model A10 ETHMaster (500Mh) 6G from Innosilicon mining EtHash algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 500Mh/s for a power consumption of 950W. Specifications Manufacturer Innosilicon Model A10 Pro
Model A10 ETHMaster (720Mh) from Innosilicon mining EtHash algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 720Mh/s for a power consumption of 1300W. Specifications Manufacturer Innosilicon Model A10 Pro+ Miner (720Mh)
Model A10 Pro+ ETHMiner (750Mh) from Innosilicon mining EtHash algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 750Mh/s±10% for a power consumption of 1350W. Specifications Manufacturer Innosilicon Model A10 Pro+